November 30, 2001
Actions in Atlantic Canada: Fredricton, NB

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During the November 30 Fortis day of action, a small group of Fredericton activists lined the sidewalk in front of Kings Place Mall in downtown Fredricton.

We distributed literature and posters about the dam in Belize for almost two hours.  It is significant to note that passers by unanimously supported our opposition to Fortis, and to the global privatization of public necessities in general.

Many people were already informed about the issue thanks to a CBC radio interview with Sierra Club representative, Cyndi Gilbert, from Halifax that aired earlier that day.

With Moncton facing the privatization of its water system, many New Brunswickers are understandably afraid of what's to come in NB. Folks on the street seemed genuinely eager to talk about the struggle with Fortis.

Even the most heavily-burdened Christmas shoppers made the connections between what Fortis is doing in Belize and the corporate interference we're experiencing in our own backyard.

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